燃燒經 Āditta Sutta
阿滴塔 蘇答
The Fire Sermon
Evaṁ me sutaṁ: ekaṁ samayaṁ
欸旺 美 蘇當 欸岡 薩馬漾
bhagavā gayāyaṁ viharati gayā-sīse
杷格瓦 格亞漾 維*哈拉帝 格亞 西誰
saddhiṁ bhikkhu-sahassena.
薩庭 比庫 薩哈誰那
Tatra kho bhagavā bhikkhū āmantesi:
答特拉 扣 杷格瓦 比庫 阿曼得*西
“sabbaṁ, bhikkhave ādittaṁ. kiñ∙ca
薩幫 比卡韋 阿地當 金*吒
bhikkhave sabbaṁ ādittaṁ?
比卡韋 薩幫 阿地當
Thus I heard: At one time the Blessed One was staying at Gayā-sīsa, together with a thousand monks.
There the Blessed One addressed the monks: “Monks, all is burning. What, monks, is the all that is burning?
Cakkhu bhikkhave, ādittaṁ, rūpā ādittā,
吒庫 比卡韋 阿地當 盧巴 阿地塔
cakkhu-viññāṇaṁ ādittaṁ,
吒庫 維釀囊 阿地當
cakkhu-samphasso āditto. yam’p’idaṁ
吒庫 桑帕首 阿地多 漾 畢 當
cakkhu-samphassa-paccayā uppajjati
吒庫 桑帕薩 巴吒亞 伍巴迦帝
vedayitaṁ, sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā
韋達伊當 蘇慷 瓦 氷慷 瓦
adukkham-asukhaṁ vā, tam’pi ādittaṁ.
阿度慷 阿(卡馬)蘇慷 瓦 當畢 阿地當
kena ādittaṁ?
給那 阿地當
‘Ᾱdittaṁ rāgagginā, dosagginā,
阿地當 拉格笈*那 兜薩笈那
mohagginā, ādittaṁ jātiyā jarā-maraṇena,
摩哈笈那 阿地當 迦帝亞 迦拉 馬拉內那
sokehi paridevehi dukkhehi domanassehi
首哈唏* 巴律得韋唏 度客*唏 兜馬那誰唏
upāyāsehi ādittan’ti vadāmi.
伍巴亞誰唏 阿地當帝 瓦達密
“The eye is burning, forms are burning, eye-consciousness is burning, eye-contact is burning, Whatever feeling arises dependent on eye-contact — whether pleasant, painful or neither-painful-nor-pleasant — that, too, is burning. Burning with what?
Burning with the fire of lust, with the fire of hatred, with the fire of delusion; burning with birth, aging, and death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, unhappiness, and despair, I say.
Sotaṁ ādittaṁ, saddā ādittā, sota-viññāṇaṁ ādittaṁ,
首當 阿地當 薩達 阿地塔 首答 維釀囊 阿地當
sota-samphasso āditto. yam’p’idaṁ
首答 桑帕首 阿地多 漾 畢 當
sota-samphassa-paccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ,
首答 桑帕瑟 巴吒亞 伍巴迦帝 韋達伊當
sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkham-asukhaṁ vā,
蘇慷 瓦 度慷 瓦 阿度慷阿(卡馬)蘇慷 瓦
tam’pi ādittaṁ. kena ādittaṁ?
當 畢 阿地當 給那 阿地當
Ᾱdittaṁ rāgagginā, dosagginā,mohagginā,
阿地當 拉格笈那 兜薩笈那 摩哈笈那
ādittaṁ jātiyā jarā-maraṇena,
阿地當 迦帝亞 迦拉 馬拉內那
sokehi paridevehi dukkhehi
首給唏 巴律得韋唏 度客*唏
domanassehi upāyāsehi ādittan’ti vadāmi.
兜馬那誰唏 伍巴亞誰唏 阿地當地 瓦達密
“The ear is burning, sounds are burning, ear-consciousness is burning, ear-contact is burning, and whatever feeling arises with ear-contact as condition — whether pleasant or painful or neither-painful-nor-pleasant — that too is burning. Burning with what?
Burning with the fire of lust, with the fire of hatred, with the fire of delusion; burning with birth, aging, and death; with sorrow, lamentation, pain, displeasure, and despair, I say.
Ghānaṁ ādittaṁ, gandhā ādittā, ghāna-viññāṇaṁ ādittaṁ,
喀喃 阿地當 康塔 阿地答 喀那 維*釀囊 阿地當
ghāna-samphasso āditto.
喀那 桑帕首 阿地多
yam’p’idaṁ ghāna-samphassa-paccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ,
漾 畢 當 喀那 桑帕瑟 巴吒亞 伍巴迦帝 韋達伊當
sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkham-asukhaṁ vā,
蘇慷 瓦 度慷 瓦 阿度慷阿(卡馬)蘇慷 瓦
tam’pi ādittaṁ. kena ādittaṁ?
當 畢 阿地當 給那 阿地當
Ᾱdittaṁ rāgagginā, dosagginā,mohagginā,
阿地當 拉格笈那 兜薩笈那 摩哈笈那
ādittaṁ jātiyā jarā- maraṇena,
阿地當 迦帝亞 迦拉 馬拉內那
sokehi paridevehi dukkhehi
首給唏* 巴律得*韋唏 度客*唏
domanassehi upāyāsehi ādittan’ti vadāmi.
兜馬那誰唏 伍巴亞誰唏 阿地担 帝 瓦達密
“The nose is burning, odours are burning, nose-consciousness is burning, nose-contact is burning, and whatever feeling arises with nose-contact as condition — whether pleasant or painful or neither-painful-nor-pleasant — that too is burning. Burning with what?
Burning with the fire of lust, with the fire of hatred, with the fire of delusion; burning with birth, aging, and death; with sorrow, lamentation, pain, displeasure, and despair, I say.
Jivhā ādittā, rasā ādittā, jivhā-viññāṇaṁ ādittaṁ,
基烏哈 阿地答 拉薩 阿地塔 基烏哈 維釀囊 阿地當
jivhā-samphasso āditto.
基烏哈 桑帕首 阿地多
yam’p’idaṁ jivhā-samphassa-paccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ,
漾 畢 當 基烏哈 桑帕瑟 巴吒亞 伍巴迦帝 韋達夷當
sukhaṁ vā, dukkhaṁ vā adukkham-asukhaṁ vā,
蘇慷 瓦 度慷 瓦 阿度卡 阿蘇慷 瓦
tam’pi ādittaṁ. kena ādittaṁ?
當 畢 阿地當 給那 阿地當
Ᾱdittaṁ rāgagginā dosagginā,mohagginā,
阿地當 拉格笈*那 兜薩笈那 摩哈笈那
ādittaṁ jātiyā jarā-maraṇena,
阿地當 迦帝亞 迦拉 馬拉內那
sokehi paridevehi dukkhehi
首哈唏 巴律得韋唏 度客唏
domanassehi upāyāsehi ādittan’ti vadāmi.
兜馬那誰唏 伍巴亞誰唏 阿地担帝 瓦達密
“The tongue is burning, tastes are burning, tongue-consciousness is burning, tongue-contact is burning, and whatever feeling arises with tongue-contact as condition — whether pleasant or painful or neither-painful-nor-pleasant — that too is burning. Burning with what?
Burning with the fire of lust, with the fire of hatred, with the fire of delusion; burning with birth, aging, and death; with sorrow, lamentation, pain, displeasure, and despair, I say.
Kāyo āditto, phoṭṭhabbā ādittā, kāya-viññāṇaṁ ādittaṁ,
嘎優 阿地多 頗他拔 阿地塔 嘎亞 維*釀囊 阿地當
kāya-samphasso āditto.
嘎亞 桑帕首 阿地多
yam’p’idaṁ kāya-samphassa-paccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ,
漾 畢 當 嘎亞 桑帕瑟 巴吒亞 伍巴迦帝 韋達伊當
sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkham-asukhaṁ vā
蘇慷 瓦 度慷 瓦 阿度慷阿(卡馬)蘇慷 瓦
tam’pi ādittaṁ. kena ādittaṁ?
當 畢 阿地當 給那 阿地當
Ᾱdittaṁ rāgagginā, dosagginā,mohagginā,
阿地當 拉格笈那 兜薩笈那 摩哈笈那
ādittaṁ jātiyā jarā-maraṇena,
阿地當 迦帝亞 迦拉 馬拉內那
sokehi paridevehi dukkhehi
首哈唏 巴律得韋唏 度客唏
domanassehi upāyāsehi ādittan’ti vadāmi.
兜馬那誰唏 伍巴亞誰唏 阿地担帝 瓦達密
“The body is burning, tactile objects are burning, body-consciousness is burning, body-contact is burning, and whatever feeling arises with body-contact as condition — whether pleasant or painful or neither-painful-nor-pleasant — that too is burning. Burning with what?
Burning with the fire of lust, with the fire of hatred, with the fire of delusion; burning with birth, aging, and death; with sorrow, lamentation, pain, displeasure, and despair, I say.
Mano āditto, dhammā ādittā, mano-viññāṇaṁ ādittaṁ,
馬諾 阿地多 堂馬 阿地塔 馬諾 維釀囊 阿地當
mano-samphasso āditto.
馬諾 桑帕首 阿地多
yam’pi daṁ mano-samphassa-paccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ,
漾 畢當 馬諾 桑帕瑟 巴吒亞 伍巴迦帝 韋達夷當
sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkham-asukhaṁ vā,
蘇慷 瓦 度慷 瓦 阿度慷阿(卡馬)蘇慷 瓦
tam’pi ādittaṁ. kena ādittaṁ?
當 畢 阿地當 給那 阿地當
Ᾱdittaṁ rāgagginā dosagginā,mohagginā,
阿地當 拉格笈*那 兜薩笈那 摩哈笈那
ādittaṁ jātiyā jarā-maraṇena,
阿地當 迦帝亞 迦拉 馬拉內那
sokehi paridevehi dukkhehi
首哈唏 巴律得韋唏 度客唏
domanassehi upāyāsehi ādittan’ti vadāmi.
兜馬那誰唏 伍巴亞誰唏 阿地担帝 瓦達密
“The mind is burning, mental phenomena are burning, mind-consciousness is burning, mind-contact is burning, and whatever feeling arises with mind-contact as condition — whether pleasant or painful or neither-painful-nor-pleasant — that too is burning. Burning with what?
Burning with the fire of lust, with the fire of hatred, with the fire of delusion; burning with birth, aging, and death; with sorrow, lamentation, pain, displeasure, and despair, I say.
Evaṁ passaṁ bhikkhave sutavā ariya-sāvako,
欸旺 巴桑 比卡韋 蘇特瓦 阿律亞 薩瓦果
cakkhusmim’pi nibbindati,
吒庫思明 畢 尼賓達帝
rūpesu’pi nibbindati,
盧悲蘇畢 尼賓達帝
cakkhu-viññāṇe’pi nibbindati,
吒庫 維*釀內 畢 尼賓達帝
cakkhu-samphasse’pi nibbindati, yam’pidaṁ
吒庫 桑帕誰 畢 尼賓達帝 漾 畢當
cakkhu-samphassa-paccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ,
吒庫 桑帕瑟 巴吒亞 伍巴迦帝 韋達夷當
sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkham-asukhaṁ vā,
蘇慷 瓦 度慷 瓦 阿度慷阿(卡馬)蘇慷 瓦
tasmim’pi nibbindati.
答思明 畢 尼賓達帝
“Seeing thus, bhikkhus, the instructed noble disciple experiences revulsion towards the eye, towards forms, towards eye-consciousness, towards eye contact, towards whatever feeling arises with eye-contact as condition — whether pleasant or painful or neither-painful-nor-pleasant;
Sotasmim’pi nibbindati, saddesu’pi
首答思明 畢 尼賓達帝 薩得蘇 畢
nibbindati, sota-viññāṇe’pi nibbindati,
尼賓達帝 首合維釀內 畢 尼賓達帝
sota-samphasse’pi nibbindati,
首答 桑帕誰 畢 尼賓達帝
yam’p’idaṁ sota-samphassa-paccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ,
漾 畢 當 首答 桑帕瑟 巴吒亞 伍巴迦帝 韋達夷當
sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkham-asukhaṁ vā,
蘇慷 瓦 度慷 瓦 阿度慷阿(卡馬)蘇慷 瓦
tasmim’pi nibbindati.
答思明畢 尼賓達帝
Experiences revulsion towards the ear, towards sounds, towards ear-consciousness, towards ear contact, towards whatever feeling arises with ear-contact as condition — whether pleasant or painful or neither-painful-nor-pleasant;
Ghānasmim’pi nibbindati, gandhesu’pi nibbindati,
崗那思明 畢 尼賓達帝 喀帖蘇 畢 尼賓達帝
ghānaviññāṇe’pi nibbindati,
喀那維釀內 畢 尼賓達帝
ghāna-samphasse’pi nibbindati,
喀那 桑帕誰 畢 尼賓達帝
yam pi daṁ ghān-asamphassa-paccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ,
漾 畢 當 喀那 桑帕瑟 巴吒亞 伍巴迦帝 韋達夷當
sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkham-asukhaṁ vā,
蘇慷 瓦 度慷 瓦 阿度慷阿(卡馬)蘇慷 瓦
tasmim’pi nibbindati.
答思明 畢 尼賓達帝
Experiences revulsion towards the nose, towards odours, towards nose-consciousness, towards nose contact, towards whatever feeling arises with nose-contact as condition — whether pleasant or painful or neither-painful-nor-pleasant;
Jivhāya’pi nibbindati, rasesu’pi nibbindati,
基烏合亞畢 尼賓達帝 拉誰蘇 畢 尼賓達帝
jivhā-viññāṇe’pi nibbindati,
基烏哈 維釀內 畢 尼賓達帝
jivhā-samphasse’pi nibbindati,
基烏哈 桑帕誰 畢 尼賓達帝
yam’p’idaṁ jivhā-samphassa-paccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ,
漾 畢 伊當 基烏哈 桑帕瑟 巴吒亞 伍巴迦帝 韋達夷當
sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkham-asukhaṁ vā,
蘇慷 瓦 度慷 瓦 阿度慷阿(卡馬)蘇慷 瓦
tasmim’pi nibbindati.
答思明 畢 尼賓達帝
Experiences revulsion towards the tongue, towards tastes, towards tongue-consciousness, towards tongue contact, towards whatever feeling arises with tongue-contact as condition — whether pleasant or painful or neither-painful-nor-pleasant;
Kāyasmim’pi nibbindati,
嘎亞思明 畢 尼賓達帝
phoṭṭhabbesu’pi nibbindati,
頗他悲蘇 畢 尼賓達帝
kāya-viññāṇe’pi nibbindati,
嘎亞 維*釀內 畢 尼賓達帝
kāya-samphasse’pi nibbindati, yam’p’idaṁ
嘎亞 桑帕誰 畢 尼賓達帝 漾 畢 當
kāya-samphassa-paccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ,
嘎亞 桑帕瑟 巴吒亞 伍巴迦帝 韋達夷當
sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkham-asukhaṁ vā,
蘇慷 瓦 度慷 瓦 阿度慷阿(卡馬)蘇慷 瓦
tasmim’pi nibbindati.
答思明 畢 尼賓達帝
Experiences revulsion towards the body, towards tactile objects, towards body-consciousness, towards body contact, towards whatever feeling arises with body-contact as condition — whether pleasant or painful or neither-painful-nor-pleasant;
Manasmim’pi nibbindati,
馬那思明畢 尼賓達帝
dhammesu’pi nibbindati,
堂美蘇 畢 尼賓達帝
mano-viññāṇe’pi nibbindati,
馬諾 維*釀內 畢 尼賓達帝
mano-samphasse’pi nibbindati, yam’p’idaṁ
馬諾 桑帕誰 畢 尼賓達帝 漾 畢 依當
mano-samphassa-paccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ,
馬諾 桑帕瑟 巴吒亞 伍巴迦帝 韋達夷當
sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkham-asukhaṁ vā,
蘇慷 瓦 度慷 瓦 阿度慷阿(卡馬)蘇慷 瓦
tasmim’pi nibbindati.
答思明 畢 尼賓達帝
Experiences revulsion towards the mind, towards mental phenomena, towards mind-consciousness, towards mind contact, towards whatever feeling arises with mind-contact as condition — whether pleasant or painful or neither-painful-nor-pleasant;
Nibbindaṁ virajjati; virāgā vimuccati;
尼賓當 維拉迦帝 維拉格 維木吒帝
vimuttasmiṁ vimuttam∙iti ñāṇaṁ hoti.
維木答思明 維木答密帝 倪阿囊 厚帝
‘khīṇā jāti, vusitaṁ brahma-cariyaṁ,
企那 迦帝 烏西當 布拉哈馬吒律漾
kataṁ karaṇīyaṁ, nāparaṁ itthattāyā’ti
嘎當 嘎拉那尼漾 那巴朗 依他答亞 帝
Experiencing revulsion, he becomes dispassionate. Though dispassion [his mind] is liberated. When it is liberated there comes the knowledge: ‘It’s liberated.’ He understands: ‘Destroyed is birth, the holy life has been lived, what had to be done has been done, there is no more for this state of being.’”
Idam∙avoca bhagavā. attamanā te
依當 阿握吒 杷格瓦 阿答馬那 得*
bhikkhū bhagavato bhāsitaṁ
比庫 杷格瓦多 杷西當
abhinanduṁ. imasmiñ∙ca pana
阿毗南冬 依馬思明 吒 巴那
veyyākaraṇasmiṁ bhaññamāne, tassa
韋亞嘎拉那思明 杷釀馬內 答薩
bhikkhu-sahassassa anupādāya, āsavehi
比庫 薩哈沙瑟 阿努巴達亞 阿薩韋唏
cittāni vimucciṁsū’ti.
吉答尼 維木靜蘇 帝
This is what the Blessed One said. Elated, those bhikkhus delighted in the Blessed One’s statement. And while this discourse was being spoken, the minds of the thousand bhikkhus were liberated from the taints by nonclinging.
Etena sacca-vajjena, sotthi te hotu sabbadā.
欸得*那 薩吒 瓦揭那 首提 爹 厚都 薩拔達
By this speaking of truth, may there be well-being for you always.
Etena sacca-vajjena, sabba-rogo vinassatu.
欸得那 薩吒 瓦揭那 薩拔 樓苟 維*那薩都
By this speaking of truth, may all [of your] diseases disappear.
Etena sacca-vajjena, hotu te jaya-maṅgalaṁ.
欸得那 薩吒 瓦揭那 厚都 爹 迦亞 曼格闌
By this speaking of truth, may there be the blessings of triumph for you.